Solidcam 2011 SP5 for SolidWorks 2009-2012


Languages: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish SolidCAM is the complete, ‘best-in-class’ Manufacturing Suite for efficient and profitable CNC-Programming inside SolidWorks and provides seamless single-window integration and full associativity with the SolidWorks design model. About SolidCAM Ltd. Who is SolidCAM and why can they do what other CAM suppliers can’t? Founded 1984 With over 27 years expertise in CAM development and applications, SolidCAM started out as a fully integrated CAD/CAM system. After many years of successful development, the founder, Dr. Emil Somekh, realized it was more efficient to focus on developing an integrated CAM system for SolidWorks and thus leverage all the power of the company to develop the CAM functionality and use the great import and CAD power of SolidWorks. This same architecture was used to later integrate with Inventor also. To provide a powerful, easy-to-use, complete, integrated CAD/CAM solution that allows manufacturers to leverage what they already have, for improved efficiency and profits and prepare them for higher level machining. Our challenge - To overcome the CAM Legacy of Broken Promises by other CAM suppliers: - Associativity claims - from stand alone CAM products! - Automagic tool paths – that work only on simple parts! - Miracle tool paths that only work on high-end machines, with expensive tools and holders! Some of the major Benefits of using SolidCAM: - Associativity: Tool paths Update when Part changes Use feature Tree for picking features - Scalable with packages for all CNC machine types and Applications Featuring: Powerful and mature simultaneous 5 axes Advanced Mill-turn up to 7 axes - SolidWorks Look and Feel - Single Window interface - iMachining - Automatic feature recognition for locating and selecting Holes and Pockets - HSM - High Speed machining for optimized Tool Paths - HSS - High Speed Surface machining for Undercuts and Single surface constraint. - Templates and presets for repeated parts and novice users - 100’s of SolidCAM Professor 24-7, 365 Right on Website, no Login needed - Rest material to eliminate air cuts and speed up smaller-tool clean-ups - SolidCAM 10 years as SolidWorks gold partner - Real-time life-like simulations - Solid Verification with Gouge and Holder checking Full Machine Simulations with Gouge and Holder checking - Works in the SolidWorks assembly modeler to use Fixtures, Tooling and Vices in simulations - Open Post processor with Post editing Tools
