TEKSOFT CAMworks 2010 SP0


Ease of Use CAMWorks® uses the familiar SolidWorks® interface, so it is easy to learn and easy to use. The CAMWorks trees are similar to the SolidWorks FeatureManager design tree. Items in the tree can be suppressed, expanded, renamed and moved using the same procedures as SolidWorks. Online help, Installation and Quick Start Guide and tutorials can help you generate toolpaths and code quickly. The tutorials are provided electronically in Adobe PDF files. Minimize Efforts CAMWorks is a feature-based CAM system that provides the ability to automatically recognize many machinable features. Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) analyzes the solid model geometry and identifies mill features such as holes, slots, pockets, and bosses; turning features such as outside diameters, faces, grooves and cutoffs; and wire EDM features such as die openings. AFR recognizes features regardless of the CAD system in which they were created.


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