PTC Creo


PTC Creo

Languages Supported: *: English, עברית, 日本語, Ελληνικά, Français, Türkçe, Deutsch, Čeština, Русский,
Polski, Italiano, Magyar, Español, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português, Traditional 中文,
Simplified 中文, Brazilian Português, Slovenčina

The PTC development team is pleased to announce the new release availability of award-winning computer-aided design (CAD) softwareCreo Creo 8 empowers increases in user productivity through expansions to Creo's Model Based Definition (MBD), Generative Design, and Ansys-powered simulation capabilities.

Creo Parametric what's new
Detail Option to Control the Offset Distance between Dimensions Created for Common References in Drawing
In Drawing mode, when you create a sequence of multiple dimensions that use a common reference, an offset is automatically created between those dimensions. This offset is created for improved readability. You can use the new Detail option common_ref_dim_offset_increment to control this default offset. After creating the dimensions, you can make further adjustments to this offset.
The Detail option has the following values: default_clean_dim_increment*, legacy, or any other positive number.
- default_clean_dim_increment-Uses the value of the default_clean_dim_increment Detail option.
- legacy-Applies an offset between the common reference dimensions that is twice the text height.
This enhancement provides you with a better control on the default offset created in the drawing. It saves time and mouse clicks to clean up the drawing.
