• Size:1.41G
  • Language:english
  • Platform:Winxp/Win7
  • Freshtime:2007-03-27


Autodesk VIZ 2008 or Autodesk 3ds Max allows you to model, visualize and animate 3D objects, but they also make great companion applications to AutoCAD. In this class you will learn to import/link a drawing file into Autodesk VIZ and then assign materials and add lights that are offered by Autodesk VIZ. You will learn how plug-ins and AEC Objects allow you to enhance your models in ways that can't be done in AutoCAD. Plug-ins allow you to add landscaping and people without adding complex geometry to a 3D model. Along with plug-ins, Autodesk VIZ also offers enhanced materials and lights that are not offered in AutoCAD, plus a rich set of animation tools that allow you to animate objects within a 3D model instead of just performing a walkaround or flyby. Class Highlights - Linking a drawing into VIZ- Use advanced materials and lighting that comes with VIZ - Use AEC objects to enhance a model - Learn about how plug-ins can be used to enhance renderings (ie. RPC) - Discover the differences between the animation tools in AutoCAD and VIZ
