Micro Saint Sharp v1.2


[img]http://www.maad.com/uploads/images/32/SIThumb_200x200_CD-Front-insert.jpg[/img]专业的流程模拟与仿真软件,可以很好的将流程可视化并进行仿真.Micro Saint Sharp is a general purpose, discrete-event simulation software tool. Micro Saint Sharps intuitive graphical user interface and flow chart approach to modeling make it a tool that can be used by generalists as well as simulation experts. Micro Saint has proven to be an invaluable asset in both small businesses and Fortune 500 companies and in many areas including the military, human factors, health care, manufacturing, and the service industry. Micro Saint Sharps power, flexibility and tools for optimization make it the simulation tool of choice for any organization. With a computer model of your process built in Micro Saint Sharp, you can begin to get the answers to your "what if" questions. What if I change the way humans work with the system? What if I change my resource mix? What if I rearrange the process? Find the answers with Micro Saint Sharp quickly and completely for systems of all sizes, shapes, and complexities.
