DASYLab 9.0.2

  • Size:145MB
  • Language:english
  • Platform:Winxp/Win7
  • Freshtime:2007-04-12
  • Search:DASYLab 9.0.2


Here's what I did using the NI-DAQmx simulation mode: - create two tasks Analog Output - 4 channels, 1k output rate, 100 samples to write, Continuous Analog Input - 4 channels, 1k input rate, 100 samples to read, Continuous Save them. Start up or synchronize DASYLab (Under Measurement Boards Settings - NI-DAQmx - Synchronize with... in earlier versions, it's under Hardware Setup) - Create Slider. Open Slider properties, click on Options, Synchronize to the AO task that you created. This step is really important - it ensures that the data rate matches what NI-DAQmx is expecting. - Connect Slider to NI-DAQmx AO module, configured for 4 channels. - Create AI module. Connect to the AI task that you created. Press Start. It should run. I can't verify absolute accuracy in simulation mode, but, I received no errors. Your first error is probably the result of the timing being wrong - the Slider defaults to the "Driver" timebase. The rest of the errors seem to be a cascade off the first. Note - my simulation did not work without the Analog Input. It generated no data. That may be an artifact of the simulator, but, once I put an Analog Input on the worksheet, it ran okay.


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