Found 8 query results that match FLAC3D

  • ITASCA Flac3D 9.0

    ITASCA Flac3D 9.0 FLAC3D is the best solution to solve complex geotechnical problems for three-dimensional analyses of soil, rock, concrete, structural ground support, and groundwater flow. Options can be added to expand analyses (dynamic, creep, thermal, and IMASS) and to create user-defined con.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-04-22 Size: 1CD
  • ITASCA Flac3D 7.00.151

    ITASCA Flac3D 7.00.151 Why Use FLAC3D for Dynamic Analysis? FLAC3D is especially useful for performing dynamic analyses. This page provides a brief overview of some of the features that make FLAC3D ideal for dynamic analysis. Full Non-linear Solution in Time Domain FLAC3D will provide a fully non-li.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-07-05 Size: 1DVD
  • FLAC3D V7.00.140

    FLAC3D V7.00.140 FLAC3D (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions) is numerical modeling software for geotechnical analyses of soil, rock, groundwater, constructs, and ground support. Such analyses include engineering design, factor of safety prediction, research and testing, and back-an.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-08-13 Size: 1CD
  • ITASCA Flac3D 7.0

    ITASCA Flac3D 7.0 FLAC3D (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions) is numerical modeling software for geotechnical analyses of soil, rock, groundwater, constructs, and ground support. Such analyses include engineering design, factor of safety prediction, research and testing, and back-a.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2019-06-05 Size: 1CD
  • Itasca FLAC3D 6.00.68

    Itasca FLAC3D 6.00.68 FLAC3D (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions) is numerical modeling software for geotechnical analyses of soil, rock, groundwater, constructs, and ground support. Such analyses include engineering design, factor of safety prediction, research and testing, .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2019-03-28 Size: 1CD

    ITASCA FLAC3D 6.0 FLAC3D (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions) is numerical modeling software for geotechnical analyses of soil, rock, groundwater, constructs, and ground support. Such analyses include engineering design, factor of safety prediction, research and testing, and back-a.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2019-01-19 Size: 1CD

    Introduction FLAC3D Version 5.01 runs faster and has an updated user-interface. The underlying calculation engine remains robust and reliable, but the user-experience is altered and enhanced. The list of new or improved features provided below gives an overview: Speed increases overall due to.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2014-05-09 Size: 140 MB
  • ITASCA FLAC3D 3.0.261

    FLEXIBLEFLAC3D is a continuum code that is used in analysis, testing, and design by geotechnical, civil, and mining engineers. FLAC3D has a large range of application because its analytical potential is not limited to a particular problem definition or type of analysis. FLAC3D is designed to accommo.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-11-10 Size: 1.6MB