KBC Petro-SIM v6.0


Petro-SIM supports efficient work practices within your organisation Petro-SIM is more than a standalone rigorous process modelling environment. Its open platform architecture provides integration, collaboration, reporting, and web-enabled technology allowing your organisation to gain efficiencies in process modelling work processes. At the core is the Petro-SIM process simulation technology complete with rigorous, leading technology models for the upstream, midstream, and downstream refining and petrochemical hydrocarbon industries. The Petro-SIM platform with full integration to commercial data historian and databases systems offers a central repository for project design data and access to plant operating data for performance monitoring. Maintaining a consistent set of design basis and operating models becomes a straight-forward process, you can store and update project model files in a version-managed database. As a result, internal and external project team members can access current data and generate custom reports against the latest model data, collaborate effectively within a distributed project team, and drive efficient project work practices.


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