KBC Petro-SIM Suite 3.3 SP3

  • Size:1CD
  • Language:english
  • Platform:Winxp/Win7
  • Freshtime:2011-11-14
  • Search:KBC Petro-SIM


Refineries contain complex interactions of many highly specialised units. Refiners face changing feedstocks, strict regulations, tight product specifications and changing economics on a world scale. Optimising a refinery takes specialised methods and models to stay ahead with current margins. Petro-SIM and the SIM suite reactor models have earned a solid reputation as the best simulator for the refining industry. Download our Petro-SIM Brochure Petro-SIM is the only porcess simulator that provides a true representation of your refinery from crude to products. Select Petro-SIM and the set of reactor models that suit your facility: REF-SIM for catalytic reforming, FCC-SIM for Fluid Catalytic Cracking units, DC-SIM or VIS-SIM for heavy-ends processing, HCR-SIM for Hydrocrackers, ISOM-SIM for isomerisation and approporaite hydrotreating models. KBC is the leader in refinery-wide technology and Petro-SIM and the SIM suite lets you leverage this simualtion power daily. Join the companies around the world who have obtianed unique benefits of Petro-SIM for refinery-wide simulation.


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