Paradigm SKUA 2009

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  • Platform:/win2000/winxp
  • Freshtime:2009-04-28
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In the exploration and production (E&P) field, state-of-the-art 3D modeling and construction of 3D grids is roughly equivalent among competing applications: the conventional technique for constructing a model is pillar-based. Unfortunately, in environments containing Y faults or oblique faults, this pillar-based construction requires modifications of the faults geometry and/or removal from the model. The technique introduces deformations of the grid cell geometry which adversely affect distribution of petrophysical properties and flow simulation results.

A Step-Change in Modeling
SKUA, the Subsurface Knowledge Unified Approach, is a 3D methodology that unifies all subsurface discrete models. SKUA embeds a native, fully-3D description of the faulted volumes. This is achieved by using the UVT Transform™, a technology based on the observation that horizons represent geochronologic surfaces. Working with a paleo-geographically correct mesh, geoscientists can model geobodies, reservoir properties and other attributes in their true depositional state without distortion to the current geometry or the paleo-geometry.

Since requirements for modeling geologic grids and flow simulation grids are different, SKUA enables output of two genuine grids. Pillar-based applications, by comparison, output only one, and therefore not an optimal, grid. Flow simulation grids created in SKUA are corner point grids which can have faults represented either as pillars or as stair-steps across mostly vertical pillars. The choice of technique is left to the reservoir engineer.

The SKUA modeling approach offers two innovations:

  • UVT (paleo-geographic) Transform
  • Output of two grids
    - A geologic grid optimized for geostatistics
    - A flow simulation grid optimized for flow simulators

Focus on the True Geology
The SKUA methodology underlies Paradigm SKUA, the next-generation software environment that bridges the gap between seismic and simulation. Now, modelers can create grids consistent with true stratigraphy and structure. Paradigm SKUA eliminates the tedious and reductive modeling processes used to create the geology model. The geoscientist can easily honor all data and geologic rules to produce an accurate, paleo-geographic correct mesh in record time.

Highlights of SKUA 2009

Multi-Core Processing
SKUA 2009, now with multi-core modeling capabilities, effectively reduces computation time by up to eight times.

Stratigraphic Interpretation Modeling
The SKUA 2009 workflow expands SKUA capabilities into the interpretation field, linking the interpreter and modeler roles by tightly merging seismic structural and 3D chrono-stratigraphic interpretation with structural, stratigraphic and reservoir modeling. This improves interpretation quality and reduces cycle time and uncertainty in prospect definitions.
